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时间:2019-07-13 15:50 来源:互联网 点击量:

The Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China will insist on the harmonious coexistence of human beings and nature as the general strategy of developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. It will write “Green water and green hills are Jinshan and Yinshan” into the Party Constitution.The Ministry of Natural Resources has also established the Department of Land Restoration to be responsible for the protection and restoration of land and space ecology. The remaining problems and historical debts caused by over-exploitation of mines will be Because of the short time of mine rehabilitation work in China, the insufficient number of professional and technical personnel in construction units and the lack of relevant management experience, many problems have arisen in the implementation process. This paper expounds some problems that should be paid attention to by project undertakers, i.e. construction units, in the process of mountain rehabilitation combined with actual project management.
文章结合实际工程管理认为在矿山环境治理修复工程中,项目承担单位即建设单位应注意管控以下几个要点 :
1. 注重原始地形地貌实地勘察测量,确保测量数据科学真实的反映山体现状;
2. 治理方案设计要按照因地制宜、综合治理的原则,充分结合山体地形、地貌及当地风土人情,并兼顾安全性、经济性;
3. 委托跟踪审计单位介入,实施过程监督控制;
4. 重视并加强对监理单位的管理,充分发挥其积极作用;
5. 加强施工单位管理工作,保证质量、安全、进度、造价满足相关要求;
6. 做好周边及地邻关系的协调工作,保证项目不受干扰,正常有序的开展;
7. 山体治理修复产生石料的处置工作要合法合规;
8. 统筹管理各参建单位资料的编制与汇总,保证资料规范、真实、全面的反映项目建设全过程。